U.S. Air Force
Unexpected Messengers
Our Senior Training team trained more than 4,500 Airmen from across the world to implement the Green Dot strategy on their bases. Leveraging the power of unexpected messengers, our audience of Airmen represented civilian and active duty from diverse backgrounds. As these Airmen trained their peers and colleagues, they harnessed their personal passion, social influence, and skill as trainers to motivate and equip participants for positive impact within their spheres of influence.

Beyond Reactive
Primary prevention is about stopping interpersonal violence and harassment long before it happens. Our strategies focus on building resilience and equipping Airmen with the tools they need to contribute daily to a culture that supports dignity and respect. This proactive approach has inspired many bases to develop creative ways to spread the message that interpersonal violence is never okay and that everyone is expected to do their part.
Collaborative, Cross-disciplinary, Comprehensive
A necessary ingredient to creating and sustaining culture change is eroding silos across related disciplines. We identify ways to collaborate, integrate, and reinforce shared messages. We have partnered with dedicated professionals across the Air Force, representing issues including sexual assault, suicide, family violence, alcohol, resilience, and life skills. Our key allies include chaplains, community support coordinators, mental health providers, and leadership at all levels. This cross-disciplinary approach is strengthening capacity to develop and implement a comprehensive primary prevention strategy that enhances the well-being and safety of every Airman.

Towards Sustainability
As USAF is moving from implementation towards sustainability, Alteristic is currently developing tools, providing consultations and technical assistance, and conducting trainings as a part of a broader plan to strengthen efforts and tailor prevention programming strategy at the installation level.

One Airman’s Story
During a recent TDY assignment, an Airman explained, “A group of us were by the hotel lounge and an Airman came up to me saying, ‘Hey, there’s a girl over there who looks like she is becoming uncomfortable by a guy who won’t leave her alone. Should we do something about it?” The Airman continued, “The guy at the bar was a big guy, and I definitely was not comfortable going with a direct approach, but we knew we could try a few different things to mitigate the situation.” The Airmen decided to delegate by engaging a group of men who looked like they knew the intoxicated man. Once the Airmen mentioned their friend seemed to be drunk, the group removed him from the situation and the young woman was no longer bothered.
American Journal of Preventative Medicine
This study evaluated the Green Dot bystander intervention to reduce sexual violence and related forms of interpersonal violence in 26 high schools over 5 years and showed a significant decrease in sexual violence perpetration and also in other forms of interpersonal violence perpetration and victimization.
Read more ↗This article explores the methodology of a 5-year, CDC funded study of the Green Dot bystander program as it is implemented in high schools across Kentucky. It is the first of several articles in this special issue of the Violence Against Women journal which discusses the evaluation of Green Dot in high schools.
Read more ↗This study compared rates of violence by type among undergraduate students attending a college campus with the GreenDot bystander intervention with students at two colleges without bystander programs and explains that victimization rates were significantly lower among students attending the campus with Green Dot relative to the two other campuses.
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