Green Dot
The Green Dot Program is ultimately about mobilizing people across settings and contexts to create safe, healthy, and respectful spaces. By quipping individuals with the knowledge, skills, and motivation necessary to do their part, cultures can shift and all forms of harassment and interpersonal violence can be reduced.
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Lifelong impact
We have developed primary prevention strategies that engage people across the human lifespan. For children and adults, risk factors need to be identified and addressed while protective factors enhanced and strengthened. Each of our programs addresses age-specific forms of violence with developmentally appropriate, skills-based and research informed approaches.

Research Informed & Culturally Responsive
The core elements of Green Dot programs are informed by rigorous research and evaluation. But, to ensure widespread impact, each program is conceptualized as a detailed template designed to be modified and adapted for maximum resonance with each audience. Integrating language, examples, values, and concepts that match the specific context and culture of the participants will increase engagement and ultimately the effectiveness of the program.
From Bystander Intervention to Community Mobilization
Bystander intervention training plays a key role as part of a comprehensive strategy to permanently reduce rates of violence and mobilize and empower all members of a given community. Through bystander intervention training, the Green Dot program engages witnesses to interrupt situations that are imminently or potentially high-risk for violence, increases self-efficacy and provides skill building and specific strategies to increase the likelihood that trained individuals will actually intervene. By expanding the role of bystanders beyond reactive, the Green Dot program trains participants to engage in proactive behaviors that model and endorse norms that are incompatible with violence. The ultimate goal is not simply to react to potential violence as it is occurring, but rather to simultaneously shift community norms that support the violence that is occurring.

Worldwide reach
In addition to our training programs, we offer large-scale Green Dot adaptations based on extensive literature reviews, focus groups, and pilots. These adaptations have served many organizations including the Air Force, native Alaskan communities, South African communities, Native American tribes, and women’s trades organizations.