Prevention Across Contexts
The research-supported prevention components of our work are the foundation of everything we do. Building programs, training, and services for each new sector involves engaging in a process that includes reviewing research, piloting, conducting focus groups, and collecting and analyzing data. Further, for the options below we will collaborate with each organization, institution, or community to ensure every element, from content to delivery, aligns with their context, values, and population.
Nationally recognized for their ability to engage and equip participants, both in-person and virtually, Alteristic trainers can provide training, workshops, and keynotes across contexts.
We work across sectors to assist organizations with strategic planning, needs assessments, and high-level program development.
Green Dot is a bystander-focused strategy that has been implemented across sectors and includes workshops social marketing campaigns, and evaluation.

Pioneering New Frameworks
We are driven beyond what is and obsessed with what is possible. Our work is focused on identifying common threads across social issues, including self-directed harm, interpersonal violence, substance abuse, bullying, and harassment. We create comprehensive models, paradigms, and frameworks that enhance intelligence and redirect actions to advance change.
Adapting Existing Strategies
Impact is urgent, we need to resonate now. We cannot wait for the perfect study to indicate the perfect program or strategy. To capture and share the most effective information, we partner with other organizations to learn from other disciplines, movements, and fields of inquiry. We adapt solutions and inform decisions so that our work speaks to the culture, capacity, and context of the communities we engage.

Revising Current Methods
Given what is at stake, nothing is more imperative than constant questioning of our work. Why are we doing what we are doing? Are our approaches doing what they were intended? Always looking for missing ingredients, we teach others to scrutinize the status quo. We are examining and re-examining current methods to strengthen existing strategies, then refining our ideas into program designs, strategic recommendations, and dissemination techniques that activate culture change.
We pursue organizational and individual partnerships with the spirit of humility and collaboration needed to change culture and create safe, equitable communities.